Kathamrita By Swami Chidananda - Part 3

Kathamrita by Swami Chidananda Part 3

Try to meditate on the Supreme Divine Spirit, let us sit erect, close our eyes, and turn the mind inwards. Let us not allow any thoughts to interfere. During these few moments let us take our mind towards the Divine who is shining in our heart in all glory. Let us place ourselves wholly at the heart centre. Let us pray for the welfare of the whole creation. Peace, peace, peace be unto all.

ॐ स्थापक्य च धर्मस्य सर्व धर्म स्वरुपिने; अवतार वरिष्ठाय रामकृष्णाय ते नमः

Stapakayaca Dharmasya,Sarva dharma svarupine, Avatar Vrishthaya Ramakrishnaya te Namah.

Let us offer our salutations to Sri Ramakrishna the embodiment of all religions, who came to integrate all religions of the world.

ॐ असतोमा सद्गमय, तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय, मृत्योमांरितं गमय, ॐ शान्तिस्स्शान्तिस्शान्तिः

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