Guru Cocept & Illumined souls

Sri Ramakrishna Says “Faith in the Guru’s word” one attains God by following Guru’s instruction step by step. It is like reaching objec by following the trail of a thread, this is the instruction given by Sri Ramakrishna - suprem teacher of word, without practice you will not attain God and peace and crushed your frightiening ego. It means then Guru occupies the cenral place on your spiritual unfoldment and final illumination. Guru is the way, through him you have to go, that means you have to practice what Guru’s says then is meant you following on his ways, not simply hearing what he says but doing what he says. Hearing must be translated into action and that translated into fruits. Every religion ceremony, every study, every prayer, every meditation, every ritualistic worship begins only after paying due respect to the Guru. So in spiritual path, spiritual aspirant mus seek a Guru. The famous Mundaka Upanishad says, peson if he has to come to Guru, he must have a some kind of preparation for that, he must aspire for Guru, How this aspiration comes? They are some people who gets lot of trouble in the world, lot of problem in the life, thay get into lot of conflicts, terrible restlessness, it is impossible for them to manage, they feels that they are losing control over things.

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