Prayers and Peace Chants

Sri Ramakrishna’s Daily Worship Procedure: - five Items

It is recommended that we bath and wear fresh clothes or especially reserved clothes to perform the worship. This maintains the purity of the shrine. Play holy chant or bhajans on a tape, until the worship begins. Clean the alter area. Remove the used flowers and place them in the bushes situated next to the temple. Clean the incense plate and the oil lamp. Get the necessary fresh articles ready.
The most important part of the worship is the touch of devotion and faith that actuate the worshipper.

1. Make salutations.

2. With the use of paper towels or a special handkerchief that is wet with a mild scent and a few drops of water, wipe the pictures and dry them.

3. The five Item Worship - Chant the specific mantra and then perform each action as follows:

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