The Upanishads

Om Sahanaavavatu, Saha nou bhunaktu, Saha veeryam Karavaavahai, Tejasvi-naavadheetamastu maa vidvishaavahai. Om Shaantih shaantih shaantih

Om! May that Brahman protect both of us. The preceptor and the disciple. May that Brahman nourish us both. May we work in harmony with great vigor. May our study be illuminating and fruitful. May we not hate each other. Om! Peace, peace, peace.

Chapter I

Vajasravasa, desiring rewards, performed the Visvajit sacrifice, in which he gave away all his property. He had a son named Nachiketa.
When the gifts were being distributed, faith entered into the heart of Nachiketa, who was still a boy. He said to himself: Joyless, surely, are the worlds to which he goes who gives away cows no longer able to drink, to eat, to give milk, or to calve.

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