Lord Shiva Bhajans


जय परमेश्वर


जय परमेश्वर परम भिखारी कल्पमेरु गुरु योग आचारी

Jaya Parameshvara parama bhikhaaree
Kalpameru guru yoga aachaaree

Victory to the Supreme Lord, great monk, master of yoga, spiritual guide, presiding deity of the final dissolution;

तरुतल आलय वसन दिशाचय भीत निराश्रय भव-भय-हारी

Tarutala aalaya vasana dischaachaya
Bheeta niraashraya bhava- bhaya -haaree

He who makes His home beneath the tree wearing a loincloth; who removes the fear of the helpless and destroys the terrors of life;

हर करुणाकर वरदाभयकर मदन-मान-हर शिव शुभकारी

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