Teaching of Sri Sarada Devi The Holy Mother

The Mystery of Life and God-Consciousness

Mother: ‘The world is the Lord’s. He created it for His own play. We are mere pawns in His game. Wherever He keeps us and in whatever way He does so, we have to abide by it contentedly. We suffer as a result of our own actions; it is unfair to blame anybody for it. We have to surrender ourselves completely to the Lord with faith and devotion in Him, serve others to the best of our capacity, and never be a source of sorrow to anybody,’

Disciple: ‘If there is a God, why is there so much misery in this world? Does He not see? Or hasn’t He the power to remove these evils?’

Mother: ‘The creation itself is full of griefs. How can one understand joy if there is no sorrow? And how can everyone be happy at the same time? There is a story that once Sita said to Rama, ‘Why do you not remove everybody’s miseries? Make everyone in your kingdom-all your subjects-happy. You can do it if you like.’ Rama answered, ‘Can everyone be happy at the same time?’ ‘Well. They can, if you so desire.

Teaching of Sri Sarada Devi The Holy Mother
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