Amrita Bindu Upanishad

मनो हि दिविधं प्रोक्तं शुद्धं चासुद्धमेव च अशुद्धं कामसंकल्पं शुद्धं कामविवर्जितम  

 Mano hi dividham proktam suddham casuddham eva asuddham kama-samkalpam suddham kama-vivarjitam 

Mind is of two kinds, pure and impure. The impure mind is possessed of desire; the pure mind is free from desire.


मन एव मनुष्याणां कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः बन्धाय विसयासक्तं मुक्तं निर्विषयं स्मृतं 

Mana eva manusyanam karanam bandha-moksayoh bandhaya visayasaktam muktam nirvisayam smrtam 

Mind alone is the cause for people’s bondage and liberation. When attached to objects, it leads to bondage. When free from objects, it leads to liberation.

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