Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga


 All our knowledge is based upon experience. What we call inferential knowledge, in which we go from the less to the more general, or from the general to the particular, has experience as its basis. In what are called the exact sciences, people easily find the truth, because it appeals to the particular experiences of every human being. The scientist does not tell you to believe in anything, but he has certain results which come from his own experiences, and reasoning on them when he asks us to believe in his conclusions, he appeals to some universal experience of humanity. In every exact science there is a basis which is common to all humanity, so that we can at once see the truth or the fallacy of the conclusions drawn therefrom. Now, the question is: Has religion any such basis or not? I shall have to answer the question both in the affirmative and in the negative. Religion, as it is generally taught all over the world, is said to be based upon faith and belief, and, in most cases, consists only of different sets of theories, and that is the reason why we find all religions quarrelling with one another. These theories, again, are based upon belief.

Raja Yoga

Drg Drsya Viveka

Drg Drsya Viveka

।। दृग्दृश्यविवेकः ।।

रूपं दृश्यं लोचनं दृक् तद्ददृश्यं दृक् तु मानसम् ।
दृश्या धीवृत्तयस्साक्षी दृगेव न तु दृश्यते ।।१।।

1. The Form (It implies all objects of sense perception) is Perceived and the eye (it stands for all the organs of perception such as nose, ears, etc.) is its perceiver ( The eye is perceiver only in a relative sense because it is itself perceived by the mind). It (eye) is perceived and the mind (The sense-organs, unless the mind is attached to them, cannot perceive their objects. In a state of deep sleep, the sense-organs do not perceive anything because the mind, at that time ceases to function) a is its perceiver. The mind with (This includes buddhi, citta, and ahankara) its modifications is perceived and the Witness (the Self) is verily the perceiver. (The mind is controlled by the conscious Self) But It (the witness) (The Atman or the innermost Self is the ultimate perceiver. If a perceiver of the Atman is sought, the inquiry will end in what is known as a regressys ad infinitium.

Drg Drsya Viveka

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga

  1. "He is the Soul of the Universe; He is Immortal; His is the Rulership; He is the All-knowing, the All-pervading, the Protector of the Universe, the Eternal Ruler. None else is there efficient to govern the world eternally. He who at the beginning of creation projected Brahmâ (i.e. the universal consciousness), and who delivered the Vedas unto him - seeking liberation I go for refuge unto that effulgent One, whose light turns the understanding towards the Âtman."  
Bhakti Yoga

Adi Sankaracharya Vivekachudamani

Adi Sankaracharya Vivekachudamani

  1. I bow down to Him - to Sri Hari (the destroyer of ignorance), the Supreme Bliss, the First Teacher, Ishwara, the All-pervading One and the Cause of all Lokas (the universe).
  2. Herein is expounded (the means of attaining to) Aparokshanubhuti (Self-Realization) for the acquisition of final liberation. Only the pure in heart should constantly and with all effort meditate upon the truth herein taught.
  3. The four preliminary qualifications (the means to the attainment of knowledge), such as Vairagya (dispassion) and the like, are acquired by men by propitiating Hari (the Lord), through austerities and the performance of duties pertaining to their social order and stage in life.
Adi Sankaracharya Vivekachudamani

Sri Krishna Hymns

Sri Krishna Hymns


श्री कृष्णाष्टोत्तरशतनाम


कृष्णाय नमः
कमलनाथाय नमः
वासुदेवाय नमः
सनातनाय नमः
वसुदेवात्मजाय नमः
पुण्याय नमः
लीलामानुष विग्रहाय नमः
श्रीवत्स कौस्तुभधराय नमः
यशोदावत्सलाय नमः
हरिये नमः १०


oṃ kṛṣṇāya namaḥ
oṃ kamalanāthāya namaḥ
oṃ vāsudevāya namaḥ
oṃ sanātanāya namaḥ
oṃ vasudevātmajāya namaḥ
oṃ puṇyāya namaḥ
oṃ līlāmānuṣa vigrahāya namaḥ
oṃ śrīvatsa kaustubhadharāya namaḥ
oṃ yaśodāvatsalāya namaḥ
oṃ hariye namaḥ || 10 ||

Sri Krishna Hymns

Vividh Bhajans and Hymns

Vividh Bhajans and Hymns


साधनपञ्चकम् ॥

वेदो नित्यमधीयतां तदुदितं कर्म स्वनुष्ठीयतां
तेनेशस्य विधीयतामपचितिः काम्ये मनस्त्यज्यताम् ।

Vedo nityamadhiyataam taduditam karma svanushthiyataam
Teneshasya vidhiyataamapachitih kaamye matistyajyataam

पापौघः परिधूयतां भवसुखे दोषोऽनुसन्धीयता
मात्मेच्छा व्यवसीयतां निजगृहात्तूर्णं विनिर्गम्यताम् ॥१॥

Paapaughah Paridhuuyataam Bhavasukhe Doshoanusandhiyataam. Aatmechchhaa Vyavasiyataam Nijagr^Ihaattuurnam Vinirgamyataam

The Divine Mother Hymns

The Divine Mother Hymns

श्री दुर्गा अष्टोत्तरशतनाम ॥

ॐ दुर्गायै नमः
ॐ शिवायै नमः
ॐ महालक्ष्म्यै नमः
ॐ महागौर्यै नमः
ॐ चण्डिकायै नमः
ॐ सर्वज्ञायै नमः
ॐ सर्वालोकेश्यै नमः
ॐ सर्वकर्म फलप्रदायै नमः
ॐ सर्वतीर्ध मयायै नमः
ॐ पुण्यायै नमः ॥१०॥

oṃ durgāyai namaḥ
oṃ śivāyai namaḥ
oṃ mahālakṣmyai namaḥ
oṃ mahāgauryai namaḥ
oṃ caṇḍikāyai namaḥ
oṃ sarvaṅñāyai namaḥ
oṃ sarvālokeśyai namaḥ
oṃ sarvakarma phalapradāyai namaḥ
oṃ sarvatīrdha mayāyai namaḥ
oṃ puṇyāyai namaḥ

Divine Mother Bhajans

Divine Mother Bhajans


जय जगदीश्वरी ॥

जय जगदीश्वरी मात सरस्वती शरणागत प्रतिपालन हारी

Jaya jagadeeshwaree maata Saraswatee
Sharanaagata pratipaalana haaree

Victory to Mother Saraswati! Goddess supreme of the universe, who nourishes and protects all seeking refuge at her feet.

चन्द्रबिम्बसम् वदन विराजे शशिमुकुट माला गलदारी

Candrabhimbasama vadana viraaje
Shshi-mukuta maalaa galadhaaree

Her luminous form is like gentle moonlight, with moon as Her crown, and a garland adorning her neck,

वीणा वाम अंगमे शोभे सामगीत ध्वनि मधुर पियरी

Veenaa vaama angame shobhe
Saamageeta dhwani madhura piyaree

Teachings of Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna

Teachings of Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna


Swami Brahmananda

The Subtle mind leads the aspirant nearer to God, but it cannot reach God, the supreme Atman. Having reached this stage, the world no longer holds any charm for the aspirant; he becomes absorbed in the consciousness of God. This absorption leads to Samadhi, an experience which cannot be described. It is beyond being and is not. There, there is neither happiness nor misery, neither light nor darkness. Everything is infinite being – inexpressible.
(Et. Comp. p.184)
Higher still is Meditation. When a man practices this form of worship, he keeps up a constant flow of thought toward God and becomes absorbed in the sense of duality remains. (Et.Comp. p.185)

Swami Vivekananda Bhajans, Hymns

Swami Vivekananda Bhajans, Hymns


इति श्रीरुद्रप्रश्ने प्रथमोनुवाकः ॥

औम् नमस्ते भगवते ऋद्राय ॥
औम् नमस्ते रुद्र मन्यव उतो त इषवे नमः। नमस्ते अस्तु अस्तु घन्वने बाहुभ्यामुत ते नमः ॥१॥

Om. Namo Bhagavate Rudraaya ॥
Om namaste Rudra manyava uto ta ishave namah ।
Namaste asto dhanvane baahubhyaamuta ten amah

या त इषु शिवतमा शिवं बभूव ते धनुः । शिवा शरव्या या तव तया नो रुद्र मृडाय ॥२॥

Yaa ta ishu sshivatamaa Shivam babhoova te dhanuh । Shiva sharavyaa yaa tava tayaa no Rudra mridaya

या ते रुद्र शिवा तनूरघोराऽपापकाशिनी । तया नस्तनुवा शन्तमया गिरिशन्ता भिचाकशॆहि ॥३॥