Life and Commentaries of Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi was born in a poor Brahmin family at Jayrambati, a remote wayside village of Bengal.  The village is situated on the southeastern border of Bankurua District, about sixty miles northwest of Calcutta, The Amodar, a perennial small stream of transparent water which flows by the northern boundary of the village. During childhood, Sarada Devi bathed with her little brothers and sister. She called it “Our Ganges.” After bathing they often enjoyed on its bank, before returning home, their simple refreshment of puffed rice. Ramachandra Mukherjee was Holy Mother’s father, and Shyamasundari her mother. The father was upright, truthful, and devout. Though poor, he did not accept gifts indiscriminately. Shyamasundari was guiless and kind. She neatly organized every detail of the household and derived special pleasure from feeding people and helping them in various ways.

Guru Cocept & Illumined souls

Sri Ramakrishna Says “Faith in the Guru’s word” one attains God by following Guru’s instruction step by step. It is like reaching objec by following the trail of a thread, this is the instruction given by Sri Ramakrishna - suprem teacher of word, without practice you will not attain God and peace and crushed your frightiening ego. It means then Guru occupies the cenral place on your spiritual unfoldment and final illumination. Guru is the way, through him you have to go, that means you have to practice what Guru’s says then is meant you following on his ways, not simply hearing what he says but doing what he says. Hearing must be translated into action and that translated into fruits. Every religion ceremony, every study, every prayer, every meditation, every ritualistic worship begins only after paying due respect to the Guru. So in spiritual path, spiritual aspirant mus seek a Guru. The famous Mundaka Upanishad says, peson if he has to come to Guru, he must have a some kind of preparation for that, he must aspire for Guru, How this aspiration comes? They are some people who gets lot of trouble in the world, lot of problem in the life, thay get into lot of conflicts, terrible restlessness, it is impossible for them to manage, they feels that they are losing control over things.

Chronology of Main Event of S.R.K.,H.M.,S.V.K.

Birth of Sri Ramakrishna


1814 Kshudiram Settles at Kamarpukur, Sri Ramakrishna’s Birthplace

1835 Kshudiram’s pilgrimage to Gaya

1836 Birth of Sri Ramakrishna, Known in Boyhood as Gadadhar

1842 or 1843 First trance of Gadadhar at the sight of white birds and dark clouds   


Gadadhar’s Boyhood


1843 Death of Kshudiram 

1845 Gadadgar’s sacred thread ceremony Gadadhar’s keeping company with holy men Gadadhar’s Bhavasamadhi- on his way to the temple of the Goddess Visalakshi His bossom friend Gayavishnu, His Bhavasamadhi for the third time

An everlasting Memory of Affection and Concern

Swami Brahmanandaji has said in the Eternal Companion (p. 227): ‘Blessed are those who have received the grace of an illumined guru. The guru shows the way to the other shore, and removes all the obstacles.’

               I am really blessed to have such an illumined Guru in revered Swami Yatiswaranandaji Maharaj. It was he who laid me foundation of my spiritual life at the Ramakrishna Ashrama in Bangalore.

               It is a thrilling experience for me to recollect the formative days of my spiritual life.

First Meeting

               In 1953, after finishing my college education in Hassan [in Karnataka], I came to Bangalore for graduation and joined the Central College. I was searching for a room to stay and continue my studies. It so happened that I got a room in a house at West Anjaneya Temple Road, which was at a walkable distance to the Ramakrishna Ashrama at Bull Temple Road.

                 I used to go to college in an auto-rickshaw, but return to my place on foot. One day, as I was returning from the college I saw the signboard of Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama. The next morning, I went to see the Ashrama. I entered the Ashrama premises and was very happy to see the grand landscape. The campus was full of greenery with mango and other trees. The mango trees were full of mangoes that were of easy reach by one’s hand. There was a special fragrance in the air. I was simply fascinated by the place. As I walked the Ashrama grounds, I felt tremendous inner joy at the sublime beauty of nature.

Amrita Bindu Upanishad

मनो हि दिविधं प्रोक्तं शुद्धं चासुद्धमेव च अशुद्धं कामसंकल्पं शुद्धं कामविवर्जितम  

 Mano hi dividham proktam suddham casuddham eva asuddham kama-samkalpam suddham kama-vivarjitam 

Mind is of two kinds, pure and impure. The impure mind is possessed of desire; the pure mind is free from desire.


मन एव मनुष्याणां कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः बन्धाय विसयासक्तं मुक्तं निर्विषयं स्मृतं 

Mana eva manusyanam karanam bandha-moksayoh bandhaya visayasaktam muktam nirvisayam smrtam 

Mind alone is the cause for people’s bondage and liberation. When attached to objects, it leads to bondage. When free from objects, it leads to liberation.

Addresses at the World’s Parliament of Religions

Response to Welcome

Sisters and Brothers of America,

It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial which you have given us.  I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world.  I thank you in the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and of Hindu people of all classes and sects. My Thanks, also, to some of the speakers on this platform who, referring to the delegates from the Orient, have told you that these men from far- off nations may well claim the honor of bearing to different lands the idea of toleration. I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance.