Gems of Spiritual Wisdom

  1. Sri Ramakrishna And His Profound Teachings Swami Chidananda 37:36
  2. Value of Dispossession And Desirelessness Swami Chidananda 43:37
  3. Yoga Preached By Lord Krishna Swami Chidananda 54:58
  4. The Concept of Yoga in Bhagavad Gita Swami Chidananda 59:30
  5. The Way To Spiritual Progress Swami Chidananda 56:31
  6. Sri Sarada Devi The Holy Mother Swami Chidananda 1:00:45
  7. Guidance To Pure Life Swami Chidananda 56:33
  8. Transform Secular Life To Sacred Life Swami Chidananda 47:00

Eternal Spiritual Wisdom

  1. Importance of Life Swami Chidananda 56:36
  2. Serving Living Being As Shiva Swami Chidananda 56:34
  3. Significant of Sri Ramakrishna's Life Swami Chidananda 57:25
  4. Karma And Destiny Swami Chidananda 1:03:44
  5. Essential Teachings of Lord Buddha Swami Chidananda 59:25
  6. Meditation And It Source Swami Chidananda 56:45
  7. Vedantic Realization of Oneness Swami Chidananda 19:38
  8. Achraya Shankara The World Teacher Swami Chidananda 56:53
  9. Why We Do Spiritual Practice Swami Chidananda 1:12:33
  10. Dealing With The Problem of Suffering in Spiritual Way Swami Chidananda 58:10
  11. True Wealth of Wisdom Swami Chidananda 58:11
  12. God As Mother Swami Chidananda 58:43
  13. We Ourself Responsible What Life Bring Us Swami Chidananda 54:29

Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom

  1. Message of Lord Krishna Swami Chidananda 59:14
  2. The Advent of Holy Mother Swami Chidananda 43:44
  3. Swami Vivekananda's Vedantic Messages Swami Chidananda 47:18
  4. Spiritual Path Shown By Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chidananda 49:29
  5. Jnana And Bhakti Swami Chidananda 55:34
  6. Guru's Grace Vital For Spiritual Progress Swami Chidananda 55:50
  7. About Mother's Day Swami Chidananda 49:04
  8. The Excellence of Straightforwardness Swami Chidananda 42:00
  9. Sri Ramakrishna The Son of Spirituality Swami Chidananda 45:29
  10. Through The Senses Go Beyond Senses Swami Chidananda 51:49
  11. Four Requisite For Brahmavidya Swami Chidananda 47:28
  12. Moral Development And Spiritual Life Swami Chidananda 53:47
  13. Sri Sarada Devi Extremely Simple And Supremely Great Swami Chidananda 46:48
  14. Vedanta of Swami Vivekananda Swami Chidananda 46:41
  15. Philosophy of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chidananda 48:56
  16. Everyone is A Architect One Own's Being Swami Chidananda 49:26
  17. Pranam Mantra of Sri Ramakrishna ( Sthapakayacha Dhramasya ) Swami Chidananda 47:10
  18. Magnificent Idea of The Upanishads Swami Chidananda 51:33
  19. As You Think So You Become Swami Chidananda 47:42
  20. Will All People See God Swami Chidananda 44:26
  21. Karma Yoga For Bhagavad Gita Swami Chidananda 49:46
  22. Significant Words Swami Chidananda 48:30
  23. How To Cross This Vast snare of The World Swami Chidananda 40:30
  24. Holy Mother With All Wants Human Excellencies Swami Chidananda 53:20
  25. Significant Words of Swami Vivekananda Swami Chidananda 54:37

Spiritual Gems

  1. Turn Thy Eyes to Thyself Swami Chidananda 52:32
  2. Count Your Blessing Swami Chidananda 52:13
  3. Patience and Diligent Move Mountains Swami Chidananda 1:00:45
  4. The Real Battle Fought Within Swami Chidananda 53:52
  5. Important and Application of Silence Swami Chidananda 45:16
  6. Inviolability of Destiny Swami Chidananda 53:00
  7. Sri Ramakrishna - The Master of Profound Humility Swami Chidananda 55:45
  8. Holy Mother - Personification of Love and Affection Swami Chidananda 50:13
  9. The Uniqueness of Vibhishana Episode Swami Chidananda 56:45
  10. Marks of Greatness Swami Chidananda 49:12
  11. Forgiveness The Attribute off the Strong Swami Chidananda 47:00
  12. Practical Ways of Realizing Truth Swami Chidananda 53:56
  13. Roots and Fruits Swami Chidananda 59:58
  14. A Careless Act is Deadly Consequence Swami Chidananda 53:45
  15. Steadfast Will Swami Chidananda 52:30
  16. About Swami Vivekananda Swami Chidananda 46:47
  17. The Secret of Greatness and Glory Swami Chidananda 47:35
  18. Skills of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chidananda 54:20
  19. Vedanta According to Swami Vivekananda Swami Chidananda 47:55
  20. Sankara and Vedanta Swami Chidananda 59:30
  21. Sri Ramakrishna The Great Exemplar Swami Chidananda 1:04:25
  22. Discovering Freedom Swami Chidananda 47:57
  23. Six Steps Toward Absolute Bliss Swami Chidananda 47:23
  24. Many Facet of Lord Krishna and His Sublime Teachings of Gita Swami Chidananda 50:30
  25. Disciplining The Mind Swami Chidananda 47:45

Spiritual Wisdom

  1. The Grace of God Swami Chidananda 48:05
  2. Concentration of The Mind Swami Chidananda 56:44
  3. Discipline of Karma in Spiritual Life Swami Chidananda 57:10
  4. Path of Meditation Swami Chidananda 55:48
  5. Throw Your Shadow Behind You Swami Chidananda 44:58
  6. Worship Divine Mother Swami Chidananda 53:11
  7. Bliss is our Real Nature Swami Chidananda 53:17
  8. Sri Sarada Devi's Life Swami Chidananda 51:54
  9. Swami Vivekananda's Life Swami Chidananda 58:29
  10. Sri Ramakrishna's Life Swami Chidananda 54:20
  11. The Key to Success Swami Chidananda 46:00
  12. How to Achieve Spiritual Progress Swami Chidananda 55:52
  13. Meditation Swami Chidananda 1:00:47
  14. Hallmark of Spirituality Swami Chidananda 49:10
  15. Persist Till Goal Reach Swami Chidananda 49:43
  16. Integration of Personality Swami Chidananda 50:30
  17. Message of Lord Krishna Swami Chidananda 35:00
  18. The Way to True Freedom Swami Chidananda 41:20
  19. Swami Vivekananda Spiritual Bridge Between East and West Swami Chidananda 46:24
  20. Six Steps to Attain God Swami Chidananda 57:36
  21. Snap The Shackles Swami Chidananda 55:11
  22. Excellence of Self Surrender Swami Chidananda 53:21
  23. Divine Motherhood Swami Chidananda 46:49
  24. Test True Devotion To God Swami Chidananda 55:10
  25. Supremacy of Grace Swami Chidananda 47:37

Words of Wisdom

  1. Holy Mother - Sri Sarada Devi Swami Chidananda 50:42
  2. Sri Sarada Devi - Ideal For This Time Swami Chidananda 40:21
  3. Sri Sarada Devi - Ideal of Womanhood Swami Chidananda 56:28
  4. Religion is Realization Swami Chidananda 48:00
  5. Buddha's Teachings P/1 Swami Chidananda 55:56
  6. Buddha's Teachings P/2 Swami Chidananda 47:22
  7. Cultivating Equanimity Swami Chidananda 43:56
  8. Anger Swami Chidananda 45:01
  9. Vedantic Approach Swami Chidananda 49:38
  10. Significance of Divine Power Swami Chidananda 51:45
  11. Holy Mother - The Ideal of Love Swami Chidananda 48:38
  12. Swami Vivekananda - The Message of Vedanta Swami Chidananda 43:39
  13. Thou Art the Kernel Not The Shell Swami Chidananda 44:14
  14. Swami Vivekananda - Awakened Will Power Swami Chidananda 44:15
  15. Sri Ramakrishna Our Living Commentary on the Upanishadic Teachings Swami Chidananda 1:00:13
  16. Influence of Thoughts Swami Chidananda 40:37
  17. That Thou Art Swami Chidananda 59:53
  18. Goal of Religion Swami Chidananda 54:34
  19. Significance of Austerity Swami Chidananda 47:22
  20. The Importance of Austerity Swami Chidananda 50:19
  21. How to Achieve Peace Swami Chidananda 51:27
  22. Power of Words Swami Chidananda 50:44
  23. Holy Mother As Perfect Yogin Swami Chidananda 51:10
  24. Dynamic Teachings of Swami Vivekananda Swami Chidananda 46:45
  25. Study Life and Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chidananda 52:43

Ramakrishna Kathamrita X

  1. Precious Body is A Useful Instrument Swami Chidananda 45:35
  2. Where To Find Lasting Happiness Swami Chidananda 38:26
  3. Single Minded Devotion Swami Chidananda 37:37
  4. The Power of Prayer Swami Chidananda 42:45
  5. Maya And Mukti Swami Chidananda 41:20
  6. The Bane of Worldliness Swami Chidananda 41:34
  7. Why The Mind is One's Greatest Asset Swami Chidananda 48:42
  8. Attachment Clouds The Mind Swami Chidananda 42:20
  9. Resoluteness In Renunciation Swami Chidananda 36:20
  10. Importance of Silence Swami Chidananda 39:13
  11. Flash of Warnings In Life Swami Chidananda 48:07
  12. Influence of Upadhis on The Soul Swami Chidananda 43:44
  13. Great Teachings P/1 Swami Chidananda 48:25
  14. Great Teachings P/2 Swami Chidananda 44:51
  15. Great Teachings P/3 Swami Chidananda 45:41
  16. Great Teachings P/4 Swami Chidananda 40:40
  17. Be Determined To Achieve The God Swami Chidananda 43:12

Ramakrishna Kathamrita IX

  1. Seeing is Realizing Swami Chidananda 39:25
  2. Necessity of Constant study of Scripture Swami Chidananda 36:16
  3. Practice is A Secret Of Success Swami Chidananda 28:53
  4. Discipline Of Vedanta Swami Chidananda 33:15
  5. Important Spiritual Canons Swami Chidananda 39:40
  6. Sri Ramakrishna on The Universal Ideas of Vedanta Swami Chidananda 34:11
  7. Uproot The Seedling of Bad Habits Before It Becomes Tree Swami Chidananda 28:35
  8. Purify Subconscious Mind Swami Chidananda 31:31
  9. Significance of Faith in Religion Swami Chidananda 37:39
  10. Stories of Wisdom Swami Chidananda 43:09
  11. Three Demons: Pride, Ego and Arrogance Swami Chidananda 33:01
  12. Develop Spirituality Swami Chidananda 30:41
  13. Power of Concentration Swami Chidananda 43:34
  14. Taking Spiritual Vow Swami Chidananda 41:51
  15. Sri Ramakrishna's Inspiring Teachings Swami Chidananda 27:19
  16. Everybody Will Surely Be Liberated Swami Chidananda 31:43
  17. Concentrating The Mind Swami Chidananda 34:56
  18. Forewarning Words Of Wisdom Swami Chidananda 40:01
  19. Uprightness Swami Chidananda 45:09
  20. The Pure Heart God Takes A Seat Swami Chidananda 46:36
  21. The World Is A Theatre Swami Chidananda 50:37
  22. Uplifting Teachings Of The Scriptures Swami Chidananda 40:29
  23. Spiritual Treasures Of Sri Ramakrishna P/1 Swami Chidananda 38:53
  24. Spiritual Treasures Of Sri Ramakrishna P/2 Swami Chidananda 38:48
  25. Spiritual Treasures Of Sri Ramakrishna P/3 Swami Chidananda 46:36
  26. Spiritual Treasures Of Sri Ramakrishna P/4 Swami Chidananda 30:35
  27. God Can Be Seen P/1 Swami Chidananda 46:26
  28. God Can Be Seen P/2 Swami Chidananda 23:18
  29. God Can Be Seen P/3 Swami Chidananda 22:26
  30. Waste No More Time P/1 Swami Chidananda 40:31
  31. Waste No More Time P/2 Swami Chidananda 38:41
  32. Waste No More Time P/3 Swami Chidananda 8:47
  33. Life is So Short, Devote Yourself To Spiritual Practice Swami Chidananda 0:34
  34. Obstacles Prepare Us For The Spiritual Journey Swami Chidananda 39:00
  35. Three Components Of Spiritual Life Swami Chidananda 0:30
  36. Just Do Your Duty Swami Chidananda 0:31
  37. Three Essential Keys For Successful Meaningful Spiritual Life P/1 Swami Chidananda 44:39
  38. Three Essential Keys For Successful Meaningful Spiritual Life P/2 Swami Chidananda 45:01
  39. Three Essential Keys For Successful Meaningful Spiritual Life P/3 Swami Chidananda 43:25
  40. Three Essential Keys For Successful Meaningful Spiritual Life P/4 Swami Chidananda 45:34
  41. Three Essential Keys For Successful Meaningful Spiritual Life P/5 Swami Chidananda 39:48
  42. Three Ways For Transformation P/1 Swami Chidananda 49:55
  43. Three Ways For Transformation P/2 Swami Chidananda 42:36
  44. Three Ways For Transformation P/3 Swami Chidananda 47:46
  45. Three Ways For Transformation P/4 Swami Chidananda 41:40
  46. Three Ways For Transformation P/5 Swami Chidananda 44:15
  47. Play of Trigunas Swami Chidananda 44:34
  48. How To Be Blissful and Tranquil in Life Swami Chidananda 39:49
  49. God is Love Swami Chidananda 43:48
  50. Struggle Sincerely To Reach The Reality Swami Chidananda 38:26

Ramakrishna Kathamrita VIII

  1. Hanuman - The Great Ideal Swami Chidananda 33:42
  2. The Glory of Hymns and Prayers Swami Chidananda 44:09
  3. How To Fight Negative Tendencies Swami Chidananda 44:56
  4. Tackling The Problem of Stress Swami Chiananda 46:29
  5. Right Attitude Leads To Realization of God Swami Chidananda 38:51
  6. Mine of Bliss Within Swami Chidananda 40:33
  7. Getting Boon Swami Chidananda 37:08
  8. Know Thyself Swami Chidananda 33:20
  9. How To Make Life Worth Living And Enjoyable Swami Chidananda 35:19
  10. The Power of Divine Grace Swami Chidananda 30:30
  11. How To Release From The Clutch Of Karma Swami Chidananda 38:03
  12. Bhakti is Easy And Difficult Swami Chidananda 41:44
  13. Importance of Scriptural Studies Swami Chidananda 37:48
  14. Rise Up Swami Chidananda 40:23
  15. Sri Ramakrishna's Mysterious Ways of Teaching Swami Chidananda 31:43
  16. Joy is The Mainspring of life Swami Chidananda 28:16
  17. Be A Lamp Unto Yourself Swami Chidananda 33:46
  18. Brahman As Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chidananda 33:55
  19. Be Awakened To The Divine Light Within Swami Chidananda 33:26
  20. Ramakrishna Kathamrita 369 Swami Chidananda 30:19
  21. The Mysterious Power of Maya Swami Chidananda 42:46
  22. Efficacy of Pilgrimage Swami Chidananda 34:57
  23. Dangers of Doubt Swami Chidananda 44:01
  24. Wake Up From The Waking State Swami Chidananda 36:49
  25. Wisdom of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chidananda 36:43
  26. True Import of Universal Religion Swami Chidananda 32:00
  27. The Five Commandments of Sri Ramakrishna P/1 Swami Chidananda 35:00
  28. The Five Commandments of Sri Ramakrishna P/2 Swami Chidananda 34:51
  29. The Five Commandments of Sri Ramakrishna P/3 Swami Chidananda 40:53
  30. The Five Commandments of Sri Ramakrishna P/4 Swami Chidananda 52:25
  31. The Five Commandments of Sri Ramakrishna P/5 Swami Chidananda 37:46
  32. Satya - The Virtue of Truthfulness Swami Chidananda 40:01
  33. Orientation of Life Towards Realization of Our Real Divine Swami Chidananda 43:57
  34. Ananta Swaroopa Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chidananda 44:50
  35. Sri Ramakrishna's Effective Solution For Modern Problems Swami Chidananda 36:39
  36. Spiritual Awakening Swami Chidananda 37:59
  37. Purest Love Swami Chidananda 39:59
  38. Ten Commandments To Achieve Peace of Mind Swami Chidananda 35:32
  39. Laying The Foundation For Spiritual Life Swami Chidananda 46:20
  40. How To Handle Misery In Life Swami Chidananda 50:18
  41. Focus On The Basic Of Life Swami Chidananda 55:51
  42. Sri Ramakrishna Answers Questions P/1 Swami Chidananda 45:15
  43. Sri Ramakrishna Answers Questions P/2 Swami Chidananda 41:56
  44. Sri Ramakrishna Answers Questions P/3 Swami Chidananda 42:20
  45. Sri Ramakrishna Answers Questions P/4 Swami Chidananda 41:19
  46. The Significance of Listening Swami Chidananda 41:55
  47. Who is Our Friend, Philosopher and Guide Swami Chidananda 37:57
  48. Spiritualizing Everyday Life Through Karmayoga Swami Chidananda 39:56
  49. Supreme Bliss Only Through Paravidya Swami Chidananda 43:40
  50. Self Effort Necessary To Recognize Divine Grace Swami Chidananda 35:57
  51. The Path Of Japa Swami Chidananda 33:12

Ramakrishna Kathamrita VII

  1. Why Spiritual Discipline is Vital to Spiritual Life Swami Chidananda 42:41
  2. Vedantic Approach To Reality Swami Chidananda 47:29
  3. Sri Ramakrishna - The Ocean Of Love Swami Chidananda 45:50
  4. How The Householder Should Tread The Spiritual Life Swami Chidananda 44:11
  5. Sri Ramakrishna - An Exemplary Of A Bright and Living Faith Swami Chidananda 44:54
  6. Faith - The Great Spiritual Power Swami Chidananda 38:48
  7. Self Realization Through Self-Sacrifice Swami Chidananda 44:10
  8. How To Root Out All Attachment Swami Chidananda 42:59
  9. Sri Ramakrishna - The Guidance of Religion Swami Chidananda 47:12
  10. How To Uplift Oneself Swami Chidananda 37:43
  11. Characteristics Of The Everfree Swami Chidananda 42:14
  12. Firmness Essential in Spiritual Practice Swami Chidananda 44:28
  13. Religion Propagated By Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chidananda 40:16
  14. Law and Grace Swami Chidananda 48:37
  15. Sacred Feet Swami Chidananda 38:57
  16. Engage The Mind in A Spiritual Way Swami Chidananda 45:01
  17. Surrender To God Swami Chidananda 45:31
  18. Realizing The True "I" Swami Chidananda 47:11
  19. Overcoming Acrimoniousness Swami Chidananda 35:24
  20. Sri Ramakrishna - The Supreme Guru Swami Chidananda 44:49
  21. Concept Of God Swami Chidananda 56:26
  22. Sri Ramakrishna's Teachings Of Vedanta Swami Chidananda 41:50
  23. Different Facets Of Sri Ramakrishna's Spiritual Personality Swami Chidananda 35:31
  24. Sri Ramakrishna - A Kindly Light P/1 Swami Chidananda 38:00
  25. Sri Ramakrishna - A Kindly Light P/2 Swami Chidananda 30:50
  26. Zealousness in Spiritual Life Swami Chidananda 31:58
  27. Seeing The Light Swami Chidananda 38:46
  28. The Breeding place Of Suffering Swami Chidananda 59:39
  29. What is Real Swami Chidananda 44:43
  30. Love and Good Will Towards All Swami Chidananda 42:18
  31. Sri Ramakrishna A Living Example Of Universal Religion Swami Chidananda 39:42
  32. The Importance Of Spiritual Practice Swami Chidananda 42:39
  33. Grand Ideal Of Renunciation Swami Chidananda 34:39
  34. Sri Ramakrishna Reveals Himself Swami Chidananda 47:07
  35. Bhakti - The Highest and Easiest Way To See God Swami Chidananda 33:12
  36. Constant Japa Leads To God Realization Swami Chidananda 43:59
  37. Practice Of Austerity Swami Chidananda 33:35
  38. Illuminating Spiritual Guidelines To Mankind Of This Age Swami Chidananda 32:12
  39. Thou Art The Operator And I am The Machine Swami Chidananda 38:00
  40. How To Overcome Fear Swami Chidananda 29:09
  41. Self Effort and Grace Swami Chidananda 44:32
  42. Directions On Spiritual Practice Swami Chidananda 40:48
  43. The Liberated Soul Swami Chidananda 34:08
  44. Vedanta - The Unifying Force Of Humanity Swami Chidananda 35:30
  45. Guru-Disciple Swami Chidananda 30:28
  46. Spiritual Paths Swami Chidananda 40:44
  47. O-Mind Go To Your Own Abode Swami Chidananda 44:48
  48. The Sacred Word Aum Swami Chidananda 36:30
  49. Significance Of The Puranas Swami Chidananda 38:25
  50. Hanuman - The Great Ideal Swami Chidananda 33:42