Life and Comentaries of Swami Brahmananda

Swami Brahmananda was born on January 21, 1863, at Sikra, a village near Calcutta, Bengal. His parents were Ananda Mohan Ghosh and Kailas Kamini. Kailas kamini, his mother, was devoted to Krishna and she spent most of her time in prayer, worship, and meditation. Maharaj was her only son. Being a devotee of Krishna, she named him Rakhal, “the shepherd boy.” She passed away when Rakhal was five years old. Rakhal like being with other children and played all kinds of games with them. He was especially fond of “playing church.” He would mold a clay image of the Divine Mother and worship her with his playmates. During religious festivals, he would take his seat behind the priest, and sometimes while watching the worship he would be filled with fervor of devotion and become absorbed in the thought of the Divine Mother. Ananda Mahan loved gardening.

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