Life of Sri Ramakrishna Part 1

In the province of Bengal, north-western part of Hooghly village, two miles west of Kamarpukur there are village called Dere. Their lives a religious minded Brahmana family of moderate means in the village of Dere. The head of this family, name was Sri Manikram Chattopadhyaya, they were of noble descent, observed the customs of the pious Hindus, and worshipped Sri Ramachandra. He had three sons and a daughter. Of these, the eldest, Kshudiram, was born probably in 1775 A.D. Kshudiram; the Lord had blessed him with truthfulness, contentment, forgiveness, renunciation. He was tall and stalwart and had a fair complexion and pleasing looks. Kshudiram showed deep devotion to Sri Ramachandra, who was being worshipped in his family generation after generation. He never accepted gifts from his inferiors, and would refuse rites for them.

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