Life Of Sri Ramakrishna Part 2

The mental states derived from Sattva, those from Rajas and those from Tamas verily proceed from me. But I am not in them; they are in Me. Deluded by these three states, the modifications of the Gunas, all this world is ignorant of Me, who am beyond them and changeless. - Gita 7. 12, 13.

Many have now come to know that at the end of extra ordinary austerity practiced continually for twelve years, Sri Ramakrishna was bidden by the Mother of the universe to “Remain in Bhavamukha”, which command he obeyed. But is very difficult to understand and explain what it is to remain in Bhavamukha and how deep its meaning is. We find in the lives of the other great souls that they said and explained the truths they had to teach in simple language and in short parables and in homely similes and allegories touching heart.

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