Meditation and Spiritual Life -3



Offer Everything to God


‘What is most covetable to people in general and whatever is especially dear to oneself should be offered unto Me. That offering produces infinite results.’ (Bhagavatam) 

We worship with the things we get from Him. We do not create the flower, nor do we create the fire. These come to our hands and the way we use them makes the difference. The devotee offers everything that comes to him to the Lord. And what is the fun of that? Thereby you expand your soul. By offering to God what He gives you, you yourself feel purified and your soul grows. It assimilates a larger share of the blessings of the Lord. The more you appropriate those things as your own, the narrower and more clouded your soul becomes.

Anything can be offered to the Divine: your food, new dress, car, everything you get. Before you start using it, first offer it to the Lord mentally. Accept it as a sacramental thing and use it with care. This purifies the mind, elevates it. God is the greatest purifier. Anything connected to Him becomes holy. By handling sanctified things, we sanctify ourselves, purify ourselves. In our asramas (monasteries), our new publications and invitation cards are first sent to the shrine. They are put in circulation only after they are offered to the Divine. This is good practice which you can do in your home regarding everything you buy.

Meditation and Spiritual Life – 3
Posted in EBOOK.