Saying of Sri Ramakrishna -2

Saying of Sri Ramakrishna -2



Why the Lord Is Not Seen

  1. The sun is many times larger than the earth, but distance makes it appear like a small disc. So, the Lord is infinitely great, but being too far away from Him, we are incapable of comprehending His real greatness.
  2. Because of the reeds and scum that cover the surface of a pond, one cannot see the fish playing in it; Similarly, because of the screen of Maya that shuts off God from human view, one cannot see Him playing in one’s heart.
  3. Why do we not see the Divine Mother? She is like a high-born lady transacting all her business from behind the latticed screen, seeing all but seen by none. Only Her devout sons see Her, going near Her behind the screen of Maya.
  4. The policeman with his lantern (bull’s eye) can see everyone on whom he casts the light, but no one can see him so long as he does not turn the light on himself. So does God see everyone; but no man can see Him until He reveals Himself to him in His mercy.
Saying of Sri Ramakrishna -2
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