Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda

Is it possible to have that taste in the beginning? No. Struggle hard to attain it. Concentrate all your energies on its achievement, and never for a moment pay heed to other matters. Apply yourself whole-heartedly to it and to it alone. Onward, onward! Never be satisfied with your present state of mind. Try to create within yourself a burning dissatisfaction. Say to you "What progress am I making? Not a bit." Sri Ramakrishna used to say to the Divine Mother "Mother, another day is gone and I have not seen Thee!” Every night before you go to bed, think for a while how much time you have spent in doing good deeds, how much again in doing useless things; how much time you have utilized in meditation and how much you have wasted in idleness. Make your mind strong through Tapasya (austerity) and Brahmacharya (continence). In rich men's houses they keep a Darwan (porter) whose duty is to prevent thieves, cows, sheep, etc., from entering the compound.

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