The Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna - 3


Nag Mahashay - that was the name by which Durga Charan Nag was popularly known - was, according to Swami Vivekananda, ‘one of the greatest of the works of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.’ He would say, ‘I have travelled in different parts of the globe, but nowhere could I meet a great soul like Nag Mahashay.’
The life of Nag Mahashay reads like a fairy tale, like legendary stories. His humility, his hospitality, his kindness to all including lower animals, his asceticism and renunciation, above all, his devotion to God and to his guru, were so wonderful that if we hear the incidents, we become awestruck and ask ourselves if they could be really true. Such stories can be found narrated in the Puranas - and the modern mind does not know whether they were facts or simply imaginary illustrations of moral precepts - but the happenings in the life of Nag Mahashay were witnessed by persons who lived till recently and stood as a living testimony to their authenticity.

The Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna – 3
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