Vairagya Shatkam By Bhartrihari

‘Vairagya Shatkam’
Of King- Sage Bhartrihari

चूडोत्तंसितचन्द्रचारुकसिकाचञ्चच्छिखाभास्वरो िीिादग्धवविोिकामशिभः श्रेयोदशाग्रे स्फुरन् | अन्द्तःस्फूर्जद्^^अपारमोहततसमरप्राग्भारं उछचाटयन् श्वेतःिद्मतन योगिनां ववर्यते ज्ञानप्रदीपो हरः ‖१‖ cūḍottaṃsitacandracārukalikācañcacchikhābhāsvaro līlādagdhavilolakāmaśalabhaḥ śreyodaśāgre sphuran | antaḥsphūrjadapāramohatimiraprāgbhāraṃ uccāṭayan śvetaḥsadmani yogināṃ vijayate jjṇānapradīpo haraḥ ‖ 1 ‖
(1) Lord Shiva, who is like a lamp that is kindled by the flame of true knowledge that comes with self-realization, resides in a symbolic temple in the heart of self-realized and enlightened ascetics. On Shiva’s head there is an illuminated moon, shining in its radiant best and adorning the Lord’s head like a magnificent ornament. Lord Shiva destroys Kama (sensual pleasures and attractions for the world) like a moth (a metaphor of sensual pleasure) that is killed when it goes near a flame.

Vairagya Shatkam By Bhartrihari
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